Training Services

KCETB Training Services Unit as part of Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board is committed to delivering an extensive range of training courses to our learners. Learners include those:

  • entering the labour market for the first time, 
  • employed as an apprentice,
  • in employment wishing to upskill/reskill, 
  • in receipt of a Social Welfare payment who wish to develop new skills,
  • who have left school before completing the Leaving Certificate or equivalent. 

We offer an extensive range of training programmes for young people and adults who wish to develop the skills and competencies that are required for the workplace and/or for progression to further education and training opportunities.

All of our courses lead to nationally and internationally industry recognised accreditation. Furthermore, many of our courses lead directly into employment. Our full-time courses are offered FREE OF CHARGE to all learners. The majority of our part-time courses are also offered free of charge and/or for a small contribution.

We provide part time and full time training in areas such as Hospitality, Transport, Logistics, Welding, Construction, Information Technology etc.

To find out more information about our individual services please navigate to the ‘Programme Overview’ Section in the ‘Training’ menu.